メイプルカナダ / The Wisely Brothers – ROOTS NEW ROUTE TOUR Live in Tokyo
2020/09/05 20:00よりプレミア公開します!
2020.03.21 ROOTS NEW ROUTE TOUR at Shimokitazawa SHELTER
Jurassic Boys, uri gagarn, The Wisely Brothers
藤咲 千明 / Chiaki Fujisaki (Camera / Director)
源イチ / Ichi Minamoto (Camera)
春 / HARU (Camera)
鈴木 龍斗 / Ryuto Suzuki (Recording & Mix Engineer)
向 啓介/ Keisuke Mukai (Recording & Mix Director / Mastering Engineer)
You can get this ver. Digital Live Performance Compilation,
“ROOTS NEW ROUTE Live in Tokyo” Sound Only : https://jurassicboys.bandcamp.com/album/roots-new-route-live-in-tokyo
The Wisely Brothers Apple : https://music.apple.com/jp/artist/the-wisely-brothers/1129246187
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/11Cpz0a2etAGYbvCW6xLmb?si=BoYBOjRqRCijIMpVnL0UEg
Twitter : https://twitter.com/WiselyBrothers?s=20
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/thewiselybrothersband
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wiselybrothers/
Official Website: https://wiselybrothers.com/
e-mail : thewiselybrothers@gmail.com